Passionately writing ever since she learned to read, Sona Ertekin built her life on words and began to write for printed media in her college years. She took her first copywriting position at Link-McCann Erickson in 2001. Working as a writer for both mainstream and underground media and as a radio producer for Turkey’s most renowned indie radio station Acik Radio for many years, Sona edited a high volume corporate history book for the radio and then chose to follow the noble and austere path of the ‘freelancer’ in 2008. She started travelling and began to write travel articles for Aktüel Magazine in the meanwhile. With ten years of experience in the field, Sona is a happy freelancer based in İstanbul Turkey who also works from various remote locations as a world wanderer. In One Thousand and One Nights, Sherazade used to tell stories to the King in order to stay alive. Just like Sherazade, words are her way of freeing herself from the city...